Personal Finance

How to Survive an Economic Recession


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Summary of Episode 32:

What is GDP? What is a recession in layman’s terms? (1:08)

How does an economic recession affect ordinary citizens? (3:10)

Mentioned podcast episode: How to Cope with Losing Your Job (Episode 21)

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As history has shown time and again, the economy will eventually recover and the only question is when. (7:38)

How to survive a recession. (8:35)

The best way to survive through a recession is to create and follow a sound financial plan, and for us to work together in bringing our economy towards recovery. (14:16)

Links for further information:

  • Article: What To Do During a Recession to Protect Your Money
  • Article: Recession vs Depression: A Primer on the Economic/Business Cycle
  • Video: What is a Recession? What Happens During a Recession?

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